The Great Hair Extension Debate

Are Hand-tied Extensions better than Tape ins?

We get this question a ton from our clients, Many people will say they both have their pros and cons, but here at Lumen.. We go Hand-tied all the way!

Here’s why… ????‍♀️

1. There’s not icky tape, glue, or weird heat tools involved
This system is designed to have the least amount of attachment sites to the hair, while providing the fullness you’ve always wanted by adding a single bead with a string creating the most lightweight attachment possible.
2. The removal is painless
Hand-tied extensions can be removed in about 5 minutes…completely painless! It’s as simple as snipping the string and unclamping the beads. Seeing your hair stuck to the tape or bond is a thing of the past!
3. Get that seamless look with Hand-tied
The unique U shaped attachment allows the extensions to move like your real hair, giving you flexibility in styling your hair. You don’t have to worry about that one piece peaking out in a windy situation! *ooo la la*
4. Less Damage than Tape Ins
Unlike Tape Ins that attach all over your head, hand tied extensions are sewn onto a string with minimal attachment sites. This allows your hair to breath and grow.

We understand you have a lot of options when it comes to getting extensions, and we’re here to help you make the right decision for your hair health, hair type, and the desired look you’re going for with Hand Tied Extensions! ????

Make sure to text us at 202-676-6313 for all extension inquiries.

Valentine’s appointments are filling up, whether you’re having a Galentines or a Valentines we’ve got you covered with a bunch of fun hair tutorials coming up! ????❤️

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