The Chef’s Kiss to Extensions

“Is my hair a good fit for handtied extensions?’‘

This is a question you may be asking yourself as you scroll along Instagram & Pinterest.

You see all of these beautiful photos of volumized, long, healthy hair, and you’re thinking…. Will hand tied extensions work for me? What’s the real deal?

First we have to ask ourselves a few questions… one being –

What are hand tied extensions?

Hand tied extensions are a specialized type of extension installation, and requires specific certification. Your stylist will attach beads onto a string, and then sew wefts of hair onto that string, making a row.

The final look will achieve more density, volume, and length, which depends on the amount of rows done in the hair application. The images above is two rows.

Do hand tied extensions work for any hair type?

In general, hand tied extensions work for all hair types. The quality of your natural hair before getting hand tied extensions, is a huge factor in the final look after installation.

Typically though, the best transformations come with those with straight or wavy hair, and the length blends the best if the natural hair is longer than collar bones.

How should I take care of my hand tied extensions?

This is one of the most important parts when deciding to get hand tied extensions. Proper care and maintenance is everything! Your hair should be washed with care, particularly using hydrating, moisturizing, and high quality shampoo & conditioners, like Milbon. Your best hair maintenance is using our 5 step Homecare Healthy Hair System:

1. Milbon Repair Shampoo

2. Milbon Restorative Treatment Conditioner

3. Bye, Bye Brass Water Filter

4. Seven Seconds Detangling Conditioner

5. U Oil Serum

What is the upkeep for hand tied extensions?

Upkeep for hand tied extensions consists of two parts. Move ups and weft/new hair replacement. Your hand tied extension will need to be moved up every 6-8 weeks and the hair replaced depends on home care, but usually every 6-9 months.

To answer more questions check out our website at

To schedule, fill out the extensions application here.

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